
Video Concept IOS 7

Indeed, the actions we must take to enable or disable certain features on our iOS devices, are often too, which really means that the process becomes tedious. However, thanks to Jailbreak, it is possible to fix many of these tedious steps due to the large number of amendments to the system that allows us to perform.

Now, many people are thinking that Apple could include improvements in their iOS devices or even and that would result in a better user experience. In this case, Ran Avni, shows a new video concept on what could be improved with iOS 7.

The Jailbreak and some tweaks like SBSettings or NCSettings, allowing quick access from the Notifications Center, seem to give the idea that they have been copied some features of Android.

Well, whether true or not, the video we showed today, reveals a new way of thinking, in which we see a drop down menu that allows access only to quellas functions we have chosen us, being thus fully customizable. The best thing is that it also is designed for use in the lock screen of our device, all of which could be included in iOS 7.

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