
Google Drive for iOS updated

Google Drive is the storage service in the cloud that provides the search company and also has great integration with other company's services like Gmail, Google Docs or Google.

For those interested in being able to carry your documents everywhere, a cool feature of Google Drive is the storage of multiple versions of a document, in this way, we can access the various revisions of the file we created in the last 30 days. And thanks to the update that is available today, the application of Google Drive is capable of:

  • Edit documents and spreadsheets in a horizontal position from the iPhone
  • Google Docs and is loaded before you edit files faster
  • In addition to adding these two new features, version 1.3.0 of the Google application for iPhone and iPad Drive also fixes some bugs to improve performance and stability.

If you do not know anything about Google Drive, you can sign up for free in the service cloud storage. In return you will receive 5GB of free space, and can increase that figure by acquiring one of the plans offered by Google.

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