
Remote Messages 2: iMessage browser from any computer (Cydia)

It is a fact that carry a long conversation on any mobile device is often not as comfortable as we would like, because there's nothing like having a full-size physical keyboard to type easily and quickly, and how annoying it can be being doing some task on the computer and having to take your phone or iPad to answer a text message.

Although users of OS X already have the native application " messages "to communicate with our contacts iMessage from your computer, what about SMS messages and users of other operating systems?, for this there  Remote Messages An application available for download from Cydia  that will allow us to send and receive messages directly from your browser to our computer web (using of course our iOS device as an intermediary).

Many users know WiFiSMS , which has a similar function and can be found for free on Cydia also, however, Remote Messages are distinguished by having support for both SMS to iMessage , which is perfect for iPad users also also be able to  send and receive attachments of any kind, which in itself already gives an added value to this application.

Its operation is very simple, you install the application once we set it in the settings menu to activate it, choose a port, username and password, preventing anyone else can see our conversations. That done we can access from any computer connected to the same network as our iOS device with just type your IP address followed by the port you configured, for example:

Although Remote Messages has been optimized for use in Chrome , also supports the latest version of Firefox and Internet Explorer 9 (Safari does not say anything, but since some of you can comment on that).

Its full specifications are:

Support for SMS and iMessage
Support for attachments
Full support Emoji
 Notifications typing
Pictures of Contacts
Phone status icons
SSL support and authentication with username and password
WebSockets for perfect synchronization with the device
It runs as a background service with a small memory footprint
Compatible with iPhone 3GS-5, 1-3 iPad, iPod Touch 3.5
Also includes toggle for SBSettings
Support for iOS 6
Support for unified contact
If you want to test you must have Jailbreak your device and download it from the BigBoss repository in Cydia for a price of $ 4.99 U.S. dollars.

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