
Marvel Unlimited for iOS now available

Marvel Unlimited for iOS now available

Flat rates to enjoy multimedia contents are hot. Spotify, Netflix, Hulu ... more and more options for music, movies, series ... and now, even comics. If you're a fan of comics and specifically the Marvel characters, you're in luck, because you have available the new Marvel Unlimited service to enjoy more than 13,000 titles on your iPad and iPhone. The application is free, and you need a monthly subscription ($ 9.99) or annual ($ 69.00) which allows you to access all the titles on your mobile device or on the desktop version of Marvel Unlimited.

The application allows you to access the newest or popular content from the main menu, or use the search box to go directly to what interests you. What is the newest? Well, there we find the weakest point of the service, and you'll find that comics have at least 6 months. Marvel does not want to lose customers in paper format, and uses this strategy for it. Need more negatives? Well you can not download content to your computer or print it, but it was obvious. Furthermore, as expected, the comics are in English.

We know what not, what is positive in this service? Well yes application that lets you download content to your iPhone and iPad to be viewed offline, but you can only download 6 titles. You have also a library where you can store those titles to which you want to access quickly. If you still doubt how will these comics in this application, you can try it for free, because Marvel Unlimited lets see some titles free of charge and without registration in the service, just by downloading the application. Sure there will be many who will say that is not the same as reading a comic book and take your collection on your shelf to do it from the iPad, but some people will not hesitate for a minute to register for this service.

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