
Installing several applications at one time Cydia

Installing several applications at one time Cydia

We have spoken before of the basic functions of Cydia, but today we go a step further and taught to do something a little more "advanced": create a task queue to Cydia install multiple applications at once. As you know, when you install an application from Cydia almost always have to do respring to complete the process. It's not a big hassle most of the time, but when you want to install multiple applications waiting to do respring from application to application and reload Cydia itself which is a bit tedious. This can be avoided by following this simple tutorial.

When we confirm window appears instead of clicking on the confirm button, click on the "Follow queuing". Cydia and we'll keep looking applications. If you want to add more, simply repeat the process of clicking on "Continue queuing" instead of confirming. We can even remove applications, using the same option.

Once you have finished selecting applications to install and / or uninstall, in the bottom bar you will see the icon of "Installed" with balloon tail. Click on it.

You see all the tasks you've added. Now is the time to press Confirm to do it all. In the end, it will ask respring, but you will have saved several minutes and having to repeat the process several times.

This function is very convenient, but sometimes fails, especially when you include many queued packets. It is best to place a reasonable number, 5-6 tasks, and confirm, and works perfectly.

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