Surprise! Apple has just launched, almost without notice, iOS 6.0.1, one minor update of iOS 6 which fixes some bugs and errors in the operating system. Among them we can find problems that some users have to connect to WiFi networks and a fault in the software of the iPhone 5 that prevents updates correctly.
Improvements that can be found in this new update of iOS 6:
Solved the problem affecting the meetings of Exchangeintegracion of iTunes Match options of the "Use mobile data" button fixed the problem that prevented installing software updates wirelessly on iPhone 5Solucionado the problem that caused that they display horizontal lines in the tecladoSolucionado the problem that caused the Flash of the camera not funcionaseMejorada the reliability of 5 iPhone and iPod touch 5 G to connect them to networks Wi-Fi WPA2 encriptadasSolucionado the problem It prevented that the iPhone use the mobile network in certain casosSolucionado a problem of the 'Lock code' function that did that on certain occasions be permitted access to the Passbook card data from the lock screeniOS 6.0.1 is one minor 6 IOS update. If you suffer from any of the problems discussed previously updated, you don't think. We do not recommend upgrading if you wait to do the Jailbreak on your device. We know that in iOS 6 there is progress, but version 6.0.1 we know nothing...
Anyway, if you want to upgrade, you can do it via settings > General > updates via iTunes or downloading the new iOS from our download section.