
Real Football 2013 for iPad is now available in the App Store

The game Real Football 2013 for iPad lands on the App Store to try to position itself as one of the best simulators of soccer. The game again this year with many graphical improvements and new movements for players that will surprise you. Real Football 2013 is not only a game in which you have to demonstrate your skills as a player, also can make President, improving the stadium, signing players and manage the club in the best way to reach the top. You will also have the ability to start with a small team and move up to become a great team with thousands of followers.

Real Football 2013 for iPad includes the FifPro license , and be able to enjoy more than 3000 actual pictures of your favorite players. When you go to sign or transfer to any player you will find the most famous players such as Neymar Falcao, etc.

As you win games also get good amounts of money and how much better are your stats, more money will receive. In addition you will go up in level and that you also bring experience and extra coins as a reward for your continuity.


In Real Football 2013 for iPad can get money play or as in all game freemium in your own shop with prices ranging from 1.59€ cheaper package to 79,99€ of the most expensive. However with that money you can do anything within the game.


Real Football 2013 controls are very simple and you will have a joystick on the left side to move your player and three buttons on the right side to move, pulling or sprintar when you're attacking and press enter and sprintar when you're defending.


Here's the video of Real Football 2013 for iPad:

Real Football 2013 is a game for free iPad which is worth try. Although the background is spending money in your shop with the packs, you will have the option matches and be the manager of your team without any monetary complications. Improve your players, put them to train contract to a new coach and a new physical trainer and will feel the real control of the team. Open your mailbox and find out what your employees want to tell you, you will receive news of the masseuse or even the works of the stadium. Learn how to be the best with Real Football 2013.

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