
A boy from Barcelona buy an iPad with 594 1€ coins


To many people have an iPad is a real dream. Unfortunately it is a very expensive product and not everyone who wants one can buy it immediately. For a lot of people it's a purchase you have to meditate much, since its price is no joke.

Marc Làzaro, is a Barcelona boy of 14 years that I knew that he wanted an iPad, but with age it was a little difficult to get the necessary money. We assume that their parents did not want to or could not buy the tablet, so he decided to save to be able to buy the device. Here is something that all have done at some point in our lives, save to be able to buy us some "fad".

Marc says he has been saving from the moment Steve Jobs presented the first iPad in society and now he has managed to raise the money to buy the iPad. Marc bought your iPad at the Apple Store in Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona with 594 1€ coins.

Sure that the face of the employees who attended Marc in the Apple Store was a poem, but the boy assures that they treated him very well at all times and that some even had asked him to any photo, since they like to keep memories of special sales like this. Who knows, maybe the story reaches the upper echelons of Apple and mentioned it in the next Keynote.

There is no doubt that Marc has achieved his dream and is a great example of how patience and perseverance can achieve many things.

Congratulations Marc, enjoys your new iPad!

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