
"My iPhone Not Charging". Possible Causes and Solutions

Your iPhone does not load?. Have you noticed that the battery drains even faster than usual?. Believe it or not, is usually a decision that many people are in your iOS device. Elsewhere, we mentioned the problem that sometimes had some iPhone to the fact that rebooting was alone and what solution for this problem. You can view the article HERE.

This time, let's try to see why it might not charging your iPhone and what solution we could find about it.

"My iPhone Not Charging". A Real Problem.

If your device does not charge properly or half done, no doubt, this may affect your use enough of it. Typically, this problem is given by using generic chargers, instead of the originals. Yes, it is true that they are more expensive, but sometimes more profitable. If you use a dock to charge your iphone or generic cable, the first thing to do is check that the fault does not have its origin there, something that we can check using another data cable or charging.

If we have ruled out this possibility, we must ensure that there is no dirt on the cable entry charge your iPhone. Sometimes there may be retained particles from the pocket of your pants when you keep your phone there.

If this is not the cause of the fault in the load, it is possible that we are before a hardware failure or just before a dying battery or stale. If the fault is hardware, it is best if you have warranty, send your iPhone away for service of Apple. If they observe non-repairable (as in the case of "mistake panic.plist"), I exchanged for a new one in less than a week.

What happens if you have no warranty because it has expired?. It is best to not try to do experiments with your iPhone on your own in order to save some money. Take your iPhone to a repair service that specializes in this type or to the Apple home. I would opt for the latter, but it is up to you.

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