
Google Now may soon reach iOS

I am among those who believe that the war between Google and Apple has had good consequences for iOS users, we've finally gotten some applications and Google Maps Youtube decent level which has Android. And next to land on our iPhone and iPad could be Google Now, the assistant is still Google Android exclusive. A video posted on Youtube and removed soon after showing what could be the presentation of the application for iOS. But like few things can be hidden in the network, in the short time I was online, someone managed to record and sent it to Engadget, who have posted so we can see it.

If you do not know Google Now, this is a personal assistant that predicts what you'll need and presents it at the right time. It integrates into the Google Search application, and uses natural language to make recommendations and answer your questions, and also uses your browsing habits to give you information passively. that information is offered in the form of cards with flight data, tracking packages, hotel reservations, sports scores, movie ... The latest updates also offer camera searches, birthday reminders, and summaries of your monthly physical activity.

If Google decides to bring this service to iOS, Apple is going to find a strong rival to Siri, the wizard that Apple launched iOS 5 and whose development has been somewhat stagnant without much news since then. Google lost a distinguishing feature but win with Android users, rather, millions of users, which would be very interesting for the company. iOS is a platform that can not be waived, even Google can, and he knows it.

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