
Caution. iOS 6.1.3 does not fix the security problem that allows access to the device bypassing the password lock

Apple released its new iOS yesterday, this time version 6.1.3, an update which purpose, other than avoiding the jailbreak devices, was to put an end to the security problems that previous versions had, through the was established allowing access to your private information and the same bypassing the password lock.

Anyway, soon it will last at Apple joy, as this security problem still seems to be latent in this new version of iOS. This follows a video that appears on YouTube and shows that it is still possible to bypass the password lock in iOS 6.1.3

It seems that the only way to protect yourself from this problem is to turn off voice control device, really, all it does is limit our devices.

We leave the video showing the vulnerability still exists we speak. We do not know what they were thinking at Apple to finish releasing an update that fixes a security issue like that.

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