
Apple fixes a security flaw related to the App Store

Apple fixes a security flaw related to the App Store

 The App Store is an app store that works with HTML code for what Apple can make all the changes creates appropriate without having to launch software updates affecting the operating system. This certainly is an advantage for the end user. Last July, an employee of Google Security discovered a security bug in the App Store that could be exploited through public Wi-Fi networks, the more insecure site that we can use to enter websites that require your password or the worst place to send messages with sensitive content.

 Through the bug, a user with bad intentions could steal the password by using the method of false update of applications, thus forcing that the user enter your code to update the app when it is actually lying.

The exploit could also make the hacker installed an application of your choice in place of which the user really wanted to install. That also means that if the user wanted to install a free application, the hacker could replace it with one payment. Finally, the security flaw could also be used to prevent the installation of a particular application making it disappear from the App Store or making believe the user that already you have it installed on your device.

All these bugs are already solved, anyway, beware of public Wi-Fi networks. They are the worst site to enter our password and unless it is strictly necessary, I would avoid them as far as possible to that sort of thing. Still, very bad for Apple that has taken so much time to solve a security as serious as this error.

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