If you do not know Puffin Web Browser, and you have an iPhone or an iPad, then you're living under a rock. As you know, Safari, the default browser on iOS, has no support for flash and thus the web browsing may be limited on many occasions when you need to view web pages or flash videos.
To do this, the best option is Puffin Web Browser. Puffin is a complete web browser that does give you what no Safari: Flash support. With Puffin Web Browser, view pages or videos with flash and will never be a problem. So if you do not, now that it has been updated to be more efficient, and are slow to install on your iPhone or iPad.
With the new version available for Puffin Web Browser, increases application stability in performance, improves network connection in case of low or slow signal and automate errors shipments for the application developer can continued improvements in case of certain errors.
Moreover, and this is customary in previous versions of Puffin, is your complete web browsing, which resembles Internet browsing from a PC or computer. And what of your virtual mouse built and ease of use.
Maui, Hawaii
Hace 11 años