
iWatch Concept

Apple has always demonstrated its ability to create revolutionary technology products and change the way we interact with them. To see this, just consider the iPhone touch screen or mouse present in the first Mac If Apple decides to make a hypothetical iWatch, it could mean a new way to revolutionize the market.

Products like iWatch future already exist. There are numerous companies that have similar products manufactured and distributed, therefore, one wonders why Apple could bring to it.

Bruce Tognazzini, a former Apple employee who specializes in the interactions between humans and machines, claims that a product like iWatch significantly affect our daily lives.

-Apple owns the patent to wirelessly charge the device, so that the burden of it can be accomplished without requiring the user to take it off your wrist.

-Apple has another patent that would improve the aesthetics of iWatch: the curved screen.

-The iWatch not need to have buttons to be used because it could use something like Siri. Thus, the work device for voice commands.

-Since the iWatch interact with the iPhone, we could see from him who is calling us.

-Another excellent utility would be to prevent the loss of our iPhone if the iWatch incorporates a warning alarm in case the phone and clock are relatively far apart.

-We could use as a substitute iWatch Nike + for exercise and control various physical parameters.

-On the other hand, again using Siri, the iWatch could act as a remote control for other devices.

In short, a new world of profits in an incredible watch. What do you think about this? Would you like Apple released a device like this?. Would it change our lives if it did?

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