The Terms and Conditions of the App Store, clearly indicate that any purchase made with your key or Apple ID is final. That is, if you download an application that costs money, you have to face that there is no turning back.
However, there are some cases where you could make a claim. Usually when you use your Apple ID to download an application, whether free or paid, your password is stored and about 15 minutes active, so if for example, you let your child your device by mistake, he could buy or download paid applications without having to re-insert your password.
If you have a case like this, you can claim the money back to iTunes. To do this, you have access to iTunes, if you access your account, you will see that you have access to the "Purchase History". If you click on "see all", you see a list of recent purchases you've made in the application Store. Find the order number of the application or erroneous purchases have been made and agrees to the following address with your web browser:
Select "Purchases, sales and trade", then check "The issue is not listed" and put something like "wrong purchase." That is when you will see a form where you have to write your email address, your Apple ID, the number (ID) of the erroneous purchase before and wrote down a brief description of the problem or the cause for which you are requesting a refund of your money. Almost immediately, once you send this data will receive an email telling you have received your support request and will reply you in 24-48 hours.
Now we just have to wait, but rest assured it will be soon. To avoid problems like the above, it is best to change the restrictions on the settings of your iPhone or iPad. This way, you can block access to applications or any content that is on your device. Although not a perfect solution, at least avoid problems like these.
To do this, go to Settings> General> Restrictions and active applications that do not want to get to them by other people (such as children, for example). Those marques in blue will be blocked. Remember that by doing so, you will be prompted for a password. If you forget it, you can not return to remove the restriction.
Maui, Hawaii
Hace 11 años