
Google Glass will be compatible with iPhone and iPad

The Google project Glass probably eventually change the way we interact with technology. It is for this reason that Google has drawn attention Glass greatly, to the point of being widely discussed. Moreover, thanks to Google's glasses, with their virtual reality feature, have been very well received by critics in general, but all we know of them is what we have been shown in several videos on them .

Google Glass, is an accessory that will allow us to perform various actions, such as video recordings or take photographs without using our hands, or send messages, search the web, see the weather and much more, while maintaining the attention to what we are doing in our daily lives.

Getting the public on Google product is something we can not yet determine, what is certain is that it will be for people who can afford to spend the $ 1500 that cost the Google Glass. On the other hand, many people may be retained to acquire simply because they dare to go out with this product. However, I still remember how before the mobile phone market got introduced into our lives, it is also thought that we would be unable to carry a phone 24 hours a day.

Anyway, the best news for those who have an iPhone or an iPad is that Google has confirmed that its Google Glass, will be fully compatible at least with our iPhone. Still, Google has not specified the means or the way in which their virtual reality goggles will integrate with iOS devices, but probably will end up surprising us.

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