
Prepare to Jailbreak iOS 6.1

It is likely that Sunday is the day of the release of Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5, iPad, iPad Mini or fourth-generation iPad and all devices with iOS 6.1. So we know what to do or not to do before the appearance of the Jailbreak.
1.Actualizar to iOS 6.1 Yes or no

The recommendations are clear: if we do upgrade to iOS 6.1 software from iTunes only restored. In principle, better not upgrade yet. In addition, you should make a backup before upgrading to iOS 6.1.

Once the Untethered Jailbreak our devices allows us to release iOS 6.1, the most logical will quickly update, all considering that Apple will probably release a new version (maybe a 6.1.1) without really adding anything new, will aim to close the vulnerabilities to jailbreak.
2. Save the file SHSH of iOS 6.1

The SHSH file corresponds to the signature of a particular version of iOS and serves to restore without updating, so if we have to restore our device by reason aAny after Apple has released a new update "Anti-Jailbreak", we can avoid update.

It is always good with every new Apple releases firmware, save the SHSH. How to?

Here are the steps to follow:

Download TinyUmbrella 5.11.00b for your operating system directly from the following links:

Connect your device to your Mac or PC

Go to the Advanced tab and check the Overwrite existing files SHSH "Save SHSH";
Finally, click on "Save SHSH".

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