
El Hacker Pod2g Pide A Apple Que Lance Ya Su iOS 6.1

This is hot hot. Famous hacker pod2g of these last days spoken so often waiting to see if they will allow the untethered jailbreak for iOS 6 devices, has sent a tweet urging Apple to release its new iOS 6.1. Surely this is good news confirming that soon we have at hand a new tool to jailbreak pod2g and Planetbeing hand.

Clearly developers have already informed several vulnerabilities that will enable the long-awaited and desired jailbreak, but without pre-empting the release of the new iOS 6.1 for spending an exploit for versions 6.0.1, 6.0.2 in case Apple 's shooting before releasing iOS 6.1. So do not despair, soon a new jailbreak. Once available and know about it, you know.

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