
Closes Installous and leaves us Applications Pirate

So, Installous ends its existence. Undoubtedly, the application of choice for hackers to get applications for our iOS devices, leaving us quite astonished. While on one hand the developers were greatly diminished income because of this application, we iOS users, sprang occasionally save some money. Now, the situation is completely different, as to install an application will have to pay in the Appstore. Without doubt, Apple joins the joy of application developers, as it is a victory for them as well, who have been fighting against the Jailbreak and Installous from arising in iOS devices. Finally, it has taken a great weight off.

They Hackulous responsible on their website say they have taken this decision for the decline of their community. The statement is as follows:

"We are saddened to inform Hackulous closure. After many years, our community has stagnated and our forums have become a ghost town. It was difficult to keep online and moderate them, despite the efforts of our team. We are very grateful for all the support we have received over the years and we hope that originate new and larger communities from our closure. "

The App Store moves several billion euros every year. Now imagine that your sales figures will be much higher and therefore the benefits for iOS application developers also will be increased.

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