
Pou, Your Pet Alien

Do you remember the old Tamagotchi?. Sure. More than one hooked over the care of those beings who without being alive, gave more trouble than a toothache.

For now, we have Pou, a pet alien to that like the old Tamagotchi will have to feed, clean, sleep and even play with him so he can grow up healthy. As we go up in level, you will unlock new items that will allow us room to add new funds and new clothes for your pet alien, which can put even hats and glasses.

To start the game, you will have 5000 points or coins, with which you will buy things that Pou need for care. One way to get more coins, is playing with him in the game room and doing activities with him.

So you know, if you have nostalgia for the Tamagotchi, download Pou and get ready to take care of like a baby.

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