
Google Maps For iOS than ten million downloads

Google Maps has been a resounding success in terms of downloads for iOS devices is concerned. Exactly, more than 10 million downloads in 48 hours.

Google Maps has been eagerly awaited by iOS users, especially after the resounding failure of Apple maps, deficient in many respects. Therefore, the successful implementation was entirely predictable.

Jeff Huber Google+ informed through the incredible success that the application had had in its first 48 hours on the AppStore, with its 10 million downloads, and it will increase in the next few days without any hesitation. The application combines a clean and functional interface and an impressive database of Google maps, an obvious good job at all levels, very typical of what Google is accustomed to do to improve the user experience. The same Google said Google Maps in iOS is better than Android, as reported in the news, despite the lack of some services (such as the ability to save online maps).

The Mountain View company has stated that despite his overwhelming success with this app, which aims to raise awareness among iOS developers to integrate their maps within the app in the AppStore, for their services to a greater number of iOS users.

With this in mind, Google is already taking steps to end up being Google Maps application redetermined when having the need to look or go to an address in any other application. The application is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (third generation), iPod touch (fourth generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

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