
The value of purchases in-app / In-app Purchases

punc quest El valor de las Compras in app / In app Purchases

Punch Quest is the last title of the developer of Rocketcat games. This developer offers the game completely free and is experiencing to obtain income thanks to the in-app-purchase option, i.e. the purchase within the game itself.

On The Verge they talk about the game and the failed experiment. Apparently the game has already been more than 600,000 downloads, but they have barely managed to overcome a five-figure income and according to the income of an application fall into chopped environment a week after its release. I.e., that during the first days the expectation is great and people spend money, but as time goes on you are falling into oblivion and this in the best of cases.

This game, it has been designed from the first minute with the intention of generating revenue through in-app-purchase, so it seems that if it is not giving the expected result is that something is wrong. The difficult thing is to find out which.

Graham Spencer once wrote that people are more likely to pay for options or "tangible" developments. I.e., people prefer to pay for increasing the number of levels or add new game modes, rather than pay by getting a new skill, a weapon or simply virtual money to buy this kind of things in the games. If bought new levels or modes of play, people have a reason to return to the game, while the other way there is nothing new, there is nothing of what you enjoy, and people are not willing to pay for it.

For its part, Loren Letterpress Bricther believes that the application is not successful due to lack of BioProcess in-app-purchase. He said that the free distribution of the application is an illusion to attract more downloads, but that these people are not really willing to pay.

punch quest in app El valor de las Compras in app / In app Purchases

In short, people want to feel that you're really buying something when you make a purchase in-app-purchase and not feel that you are pulling the money. Developers should think about it.

We could put the iThoughts HD application as an example. The application retails for $ 9.99 and is also possible to expand through purchases in-app-purchase. What its developers is to provide to the owner of a license, the possibility of buying new functional until reaching the application officially. I.e., the functionality will come in the form of update to all those who have the application, but if the customer wants to have it before can pay to do this and not have to wait until the official release of the update.

It is very difficult to be successful creating an application based on in-app-purchase. You need to offer something that people are willing to pay for it and, perhaps most importantly, something that people will pay on a regular basis, since but will come a time in which incomes fall sharply and you have to "close the snack bar" by lack of benefits or at least income.

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Via | Macstories

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