
Glympse, located in real time to your contacts now updated

Glympse will find it available in App Store (free).

Glympse is one location that services most recommend. Thanks to this service you can share with who we want (even users who do not have the application but if you have a computer/device with internet) our position in real time in a similar way to Google Latitude service although this updates the position much more quickly and allows us to see the speed at which we move.

The new version of this application completely renews its interface making it more easy to use, allows you to request the position to our friends, added ability to create groups to share position of all the Group at the same time. It also adds a calendar with our contacts function.

Glypmse works really well since we can even mark the path to the style of a GPS and we can see if our contact follows the right path, your speed and position almost in real time. It is very useful for organizing Meetups with friends or family, invite someone to the place where we are without the need to give explanations and even to monitor that someone successfully reaches its destination without having suffered any mishap.
Obviously for this to work, all users must give their consent and even dial for how long we want to share location.

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