
Apple obtained the license to use the design of the clock of the iPad

Application clock for iPad that Apple has included on iOS 6 is not free of controversy. Shortly after his first appearance has been known that the design had many similarities with the clock that the Swiss federal railways are using for many years. This is something that collides head-on with the way Apple, always use own designs and which do not resemble any product or concept from another company (with very few exceptions, such as for example the Centre of iOS notifications).

To learn, responsible for the Swiss Federal Railways were in contact with the headquarters-centred Apple Cupertino, to report the problem and to reach some kind of agreement and seems to not have taken much to get it.

The Swiss Federal Railways have reported that they feel compliment that Apple has been fixed on your watch and have announced that they have licensed to Apple in order to use the image of their watches in the application without any problem.

The agreement comes with the intention of avoiding a hard fight in the courts and the license granted by the railways come accompanied by an important extra revenue that surely is very well received by all the railways system. The amount that Apple had to pay is not known, although it is possibly to the coffers of Apple coins and why accepted it without much opposition.

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