
Apple could use 20nm chips by the end of next year


Technology advances at breakneck speed and often kept at last is really difficult. Companies that focus their core business in technology must be always up to date and be the first to innovate, at least if they want to stay on the crest of the wave. Apple is one of these companies and it seems that they are already working on the next generation of some of their products.

In a recent note from Citigroup Hsu JT signature research, claim that Apple is working with the chip maker TSMC's Taiwan in the next generation of processors manufactured with 20 nanometer technology. These chips will have four processing cores and as suggests the firm's analysts, could be released on the iPad during the year 2014. In addition, they ensure that TSMC would be the sole supplier of the devices.

TSMC is still in a State of development of new processors, but they promise significant improvements on processors a finished time. According to the company, processors created with 20nm technology can provide up to 30% more speed and consume up to 25% less energy than those used now.

Currently Apple uses processors developed by them themselves and made mass by Samsung. The A5 range chips were put to the test a process of 32nm which turned out quite well and the new A6 included in the iPhone 5 already has a fully developed processor with 32nm technology in full.


Poor relations between the two companies could be the cause of that Apple has been fixed in TSMC and its products for the manufacture of new processors. According to a report issued in August, Apple would have tried to buy the entire production of this type of chips to the manufacturer, while TSMC declined, although offered used a factory full to Apple if necessary and analysts suggest that Apple should finally opted for this option.

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